austin zoo

Christy -N- Greg -A South Austin Farm Wedding- Austin Wedding Photographer by Melanie Grizzel

bride and groom on a tractor I met Christy and Greg in very unlikely place, they had never seen my work before but fell in love and trusted me on the spot. They went to my website, met a week later and the deal was done. We had a blast! I'm glad we found each other.

South Austin Farm Wedding

charming farm backdrop

antique details

Thanks, these are awesome!!!  --Christy Reddish

DIY wedding details

wedding dress

ring bearer portrait

family portraits

father of the bride

wedding ceremony

groom and ring bearer

wedding in the gazebo

bride and groom

rustic wedding details

wedding attire

happy family

bride with cowboy boots

charming antique details

objects of confection cake balls

rustic wedding details

bride & groom

bridal portraits

farm wedding details

bridal bouquet

austin cakeballs

Austin Wedding Photography

private wedding moments

South austin farm wedding

wedding petting zoo

petting zoo wedding

wedding petting zoo

farm animal wedding

farm animal petty zoo

father of the groom

bride and groom portrait

erica gray wedding make-up

wedding updo

wedding rings

wedding make-up and hair

bride and groom on a tractor

first dance song

ring bearer and bride dance

bride and groom embrace

rustic wedding details

wedding petting zoo

sorority wedding traditions

ring bearer and bride

sparkler wedding departure

destination wedding photographer

sparkler wedding exit

destination wedding photographer

Farm: a private residence.

Hair + Make-up: Erica Gray

Cakeballs: Objects of Confection

Flowers: Sue Ellen Florist

Rentals: Premier Party Central


Austin Wedding Photography and Design

Zoo Lovers Sneak Peek - Austin Engagement Photographer by Melanie Grizzel

Austin Engagement PhotographerMeejin and Jay were nervous about their session, it's not everyday you get to get pictures taken together. They suggested they get to use a back drop that means something to them. Austin Zoo and Sanctuary. It's an inexpensive and more "Austin" Alternative to a normal zoo. The animals are, some, rescued from circus acts and the like, they have a three-legged wolf among their collection. Meejin LOVES the zoo, she hits every zoo, in every town they visit, Jay has learned to love it just as much. I love it when our couples come up with something completely different, something uniquely them. What a treat. In fact I think we'll be back here for B's birthday next month.

Thanks for looking have a wonderful weekend.


Austin Engagement Photography